
The First International Workshop on Super Edge Computing (SEC) Held in conjunction with SC’18


Call for Papers


    The First International Workshop on Super Edge Computing will be held in conjunction with the 2018 ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference in Dallas, USA. The theme of SEC this year is how to extend high-performance computing to the edge to greatly facilitate smart applications that require fast data analysis and real-time control  


    The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners to share their insights on emerging IoT workloads, exchange their understandings of high-performance edge system design and discuss the possible architectural innovations for the next-generation supercomputing on/for the edge. We will make SEC an inclusive and interactive event that features invited keynotes and presentations. We encourage submissions that look forward to future high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis in the era of IoT. All topics related to edge- oriented high-performance system design are welcome.


·         Analysis for understanding ubiquitous edge computing

·         Methodologies for accelerating data processing

·         Edge computing and IoT devices

·         Interactions between IoT devices and the cloud

·         Architectural support for QoS and QoE

·         Power-efficient system and management

·         Compute infrastructure for cyber-physical systems

·         Design for scalability and sustainability

·         Cost-effective data center architecture

·        Secure and dependable edge systems

·        New exploration inspired by emerging techniques


    We welcome short papers and posters on emerging ideas and work-in-progress achievements. Papers must be submitted in PDF format and should contain a maximum of 6 pages of single-spaced text (using the IEEE two-column format, including references). Posters must be submitted in the 2-page extended abstract formation. Manuscript submissions are managed by EasyChair. Please use the following link to submit your paper: TBD



Important Dates

·         Abstract DeadlineTBD

·         Full PaperTBD

·         NotificationTBD