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Journal Pricing and Repurchasing for Big Data Processing in Multi-Clouds. --He Li, Mianxiong Dong, et al. LSCD: A Low-Storage Clone Detection Protocol for Cyber-Physical Systems. --Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, et al. HyperspaceFlow: A System-Level Design Methodology for Smart Space. --Jing Zeng, Laurence T. Yang, et al. Adaptive demand-aware work-stealing in multi-programmed multi-core architectures. --Quan Chen, Long Zheng, et al. Mobile Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks With Adjustable Sensing Frequency. --Yanling Hu, Mianxiong Dong, et al. A Social-Network-Optimized Taxi-Sharing Service. --Chaofeng Zhang, Mianxiong Dong, et al. On Traffic-Aware Partition and Aggregation in MapReduce for Big Data Applications. --Huan Ke, Peng Li, et al. Mobility Prediction Based Joint Stable Routing and Channel Assignment for Mobile Ad Hoc Cognitive Networks. --Feilong Tang, Minyi Guo, et al. Joint Optimization of Lifetime and Transport Delay under Reliability Constraint Wireless Sensor Networks. --Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, et al. A context-aware search system for Internet of Things based on hierarchical context model. --Yuanyi Chen, Jingyu Zhou, et al.