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Journal Advances in high performance computing --Minyi Guo, Jingling Xue. Implementation of an Intelligent Urban Traffic Management System Based on a City Grid Infrastructure --Feilong Tang, Minyi Guo, et al. Topology Design of Network-Coding-Based Multicast Networks --Kaikai Chi, Xiaohong Jiang, et al. Adaptive location updates for mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks --Guojun Wang, Tian Wang, et al. Black Bridge: A Scatternet Formation Algorithm for Solving a New Emerging Problem --Minyi Guo, Yanqin Yang, et al. Improved Resource Allocation Algorithms for Practical Image Encoding in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment --Mianxiong Dong, Long Zheng, et al. Loop scheduling and bank type assignment for heterogeneous multi-bank memory --Meikang Qiu, Minyi Guo, et al. An innovative analyser for multi-classifier e-mail classification based on grey list analysis --Md. Rafiqul Islam, Wanlei Zhou, et al. A message complexity oriented design of distributed algorithm for long-lived multicasting in wireless sensor n... --Song Guo, Minyi Guo, et al. Multipath Routing with Reliable Nodes in Large-Scale Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. --Yun Ge, Guojun Wang, et al.