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Conference [IEEE ICDE 2018] Flexible Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries in Road Networks --Bin Yao, Z. Chen, et al. [ESEC/FSE'18-NIER] DLFuzz:Differential Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems. --Jianmin Guo, Yu Jiang, et al. [ASPLOS] Prophet: Precise QoS Prediction on Non-Preemptive Accelerators to Improve Utilization in Warehouse-Sc... --Quan Chen, Hailong Yang, et al. [IEEE ICCD 2018] Power Grab in Aggressively Provisioned Data Centers: What is the Risk and What Can Be Done Ab... --Xiaofeng Hou, Chao Li, et al. [IEEE ICCD 2018]DR DRAM: Accelerating Memory-Read-Intensive Applications. --Yuhai Cao, Chao Li, et al. Switching Cost, Market Effects and the Pricing Model of e-Commerce --Li Ke, Minyi Guo, et al. Enabling Loop Fusion and Tiling for Cache Performance by Fixing Fusion-Preventing Data Dependences --Jingling X, Qingguang H, et al. A Performance Guaranteed Distributed Multicast Algorithm for Long-Lived Directional Communications in WANETs --Song Guo, Minyi Guo, et al.